Artist styles used in video games

There are many different artist styles used in video games. The different styles are often used in different genres to give different feels to the game such as, a horror game may use a photorealistic style to make the game feel more realistic and thus make it scarier.

One of the most popular styles used is photorealistic. Photorealistic art is art made to look like photographs. These are often used to make the game feel more realistic. This art style is more difficult to create, as the hardware needs to be more powerful to show the game in realtime with greater detail. One of the most popular game franchises to use this style of art is Call of Duty.

Another style used is called cel shading. Cel shading is a style that gives the game a comic book feel. It is often characterised by exaggerated outlines and block colours. This style is used often in games based on anime. This style gives games a happy feeling since it is often bright and uses a lot of primary colours.

A style that has been recently become popular is steampunk. Steampunk is based of the idea that steam power advanced to the stag of current technology, bringing the Victorian style of using bass and copper colours. The style of clothing is based on of Victorian fashion e.g. tophats, goggles etc. This styles of clothing also uses more modern designs along with the older style. Games recently that have used this style are the Bioshock franchise. The use of brass in the environmental design was evident and this made the game world feel like it was created in a less technologically advance era, yet they have technology that we do not.

A style that i personally prefer but is less evident currently is cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is based on the idea that people have technologically advance but socially stepped backwards. The art style uses dark colours like grays and blacks mixed in with metallic colours. The style of clothing in cyberpunk often involves wiring and glothic styles. Video games such as the Deus Ex series used this style to convay how technology can advance without people doing the same.

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